Environmental Finance Center at Sac State

State Agency Support

We support many State agencies by helping communities run sustainable drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater programs.

CA CWSRF: Management Review

In 2021 & 2022, the EFC was asked to evaluate CA CWSRF program to identify potential efficiencies, improvements, or enhancements that would facilitate timely review, processing execution, and communication of the loan agreement process. The EFC also evaluated the CA Water Board's Loan and Grant Administration's program disbursement process to make disbursement requests more efficient and improve timeliness of payments. Collaborators on the effort included staff from the State Water Resources Control Board, EPA Region 9, California Association of Sanitation Agencies, and WateReuse California. Key contributors included Dr. Boniface Michael, Professor of Management and Organizations in the College of Business Administration at Sacramento State; and Dr. Sam Stone, Associate Professor of Business Administration in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at California State University, Fullerton.

Phases of processing CWSRF loans

California Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Nonpoint Source Project Scoping

In 2022, the EFC identified and evaluated potential nonpoint source (NPS) projects for the California State Water Resources Control Board's (State Water Board's) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). NPS pollution is generated by agriculture, forestry, urban areas (not addressed by NPDES stormwater permits), marinas, hydromodification, and wetlands. NPS pollutants are significant contributors to water quality degradation. As such, there is a dire need to implement projects that prevent and mitigate NPS pollution.

Eligible uses of CWSRF and grant funds

Technical, Managerial, and Financial (TMF) Capacity Survey for Public Water Systems (PWSs) in Hawaii

The EFC conducted a capacity development survey aimed at assisting the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) Safe Drinking Water State Branch (SDWB) in updating its capacity development program. The capacity development program helps water systems acquire and maintain adequate technical, managerial, and financial (TMF) capacity to serve the overall goal that the systems will consistently provide safe and affordable drinking water to the public. Resources for incorporating asset management into Hawaii's TMF capacity development program are also provided.

Table of non-asset management TMF elements